SmartHeat SH-100 Stainless Steel Thermal Buffer Tank


Capacity 100 Litre. Electric element 3 Kw. Internal tank material 1.2 mm. Stainless steel 304

Height 1035 mm. Diameter 470 mm. Weight empty 26 Kg

Weight approx full 126 Kg. Tank insulation polyurethane insulation 8 mm.

Outer tank normal steel painted white 0.5 mm. Recommended maximum temp 90ºC

Category: SKU: 128


A buffer tank is a reserve tank for storing hot water, which can be used in conjunction with solar water heating, heat pump or boiler, as part of a central heating system. The water is heated by the heat source to a set temperature in the tank and this hot water can be stored until it is required. The use of a buffer tank will reduce the number of times that a heat source will turn on and off, known as “short cycling”, and in doing so, will help to increase the working life of the heat source.

SH-100 II

